Ugh, I am so tired, but so awake!!! I have not been sleeping well at all lately. Today I was up at 4am, WIDE awake. No chance of sleep coming back. First I tried to do some crossword puzzles to lull me into sleep, but nope, so I got up. I switched the laundry, made coffee, and played Mahjong till the family got up.
I was also reading more about some of the new medications I am taking and one of them lowers my immune system. Great! Just what I need, to get sicker! I know, I know, it lowers it so that it can kill or heal or do whatever easier, but now I am scared to go near anyone for fear of getting their bugs and then in turn those bugs going crazy in me!! bleh!
Yesterday I went out with a good friend to my favourite second hand store; I know I was going to go on Monday, but they were closed. So we went yesterday. I found some great deals. Some new t-shirts for me, a few for hubby, a cute little shelf for upstairs, cute cute cute wood maple buttons and a puzzle. I am heading back today, I saw a bag of thread and forgot to grab it. hoping it is still there, dollar store thread is just crappy, it breaks way to easy and I am too cheap to buy brand new spools of thread if I can help it! lol
I have lots of errands today; bank, prescription refill, insurance, x-rays, and grab a few groceries. Then home to make supper for company. Making a maple bacon pot roast with mashed taters and some kind of veggie.
I have a few projects on the go too. Thinking of doing a Mother's Day/Father's Day class so working on that. I have a post going up this Friday over at The Inspired Scrapper, and lots of challenges for Sisterhood of Scrap and The Scrapping Nook. 2 great sites full of inspiring challenges and great ladies!
Here is another photo of my neice and her little family. So excited for them and can't wait to meet baby! Hoping I might even be able to be at the hospital when he is born!!!

And this is a little keepsake box I have created for her to fill with things. I am just making a little mini book to put in it too.

Also wanted to say thank you for all the well wishes, hugs, prayers and thoughts you have expressed to me. I appreciate them and hold each one dear!
Oh and I forgot to announce the winner of my RAK!!!
Lindy!!! Email me your addy and I will pop your prize in the mail!!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!